Campanus Lunar Sunrise Ray

Initial Reports

Observer: Tony Donnangelo
Date/time of observation: 2003/01/13 02:56 U.T.
Site location: Hummelstown RD 3, PA, USA (40.26° N., 76.75° W.) 
Site elevation: 479 feet (146 meters)
Site classification: Suburban
Moon's age: 10d 06:32, 73% illuminated 
Instrument: Takahashi FS-102
Magnification: 158x(Pentax 5.2mm XL), 234x(3.5mm Vixen SW) 
Object: Campanus (crater)
Lunar ray coordinates:  28.0°S., 28.0°W.
Rukl chart #: 53

I began my observing session four hours prior to seeing this light ray. It was bitter cold out. I spent almost as much time inside warming up than actually observing. I had just gone outside from one of my warming-up periods, and the ray was visible at that time. It couldn t have been visible much sooner than that.
When I first observed the ray, it was extremely dim and hard to see. This may have been due to it being extremely narrow and sky conditions that weren t very transparent. It was also very short. It emanated from the illuminated peak of the central mountain and stretched to the western wall. I tried to increase the magnification, but poor sky conditions degraded the view too much. I was skeptical at first and wanted to verify what I was looking at.
After 25 minutes, the ray widened slightly to more of a cone shape and brightened significantly. The central mountain now cast a very narrow shadow in the ray, dissecting it along its total length. I last looked at it at 05:00 U.T. The sky became almost totally cloudy, but I could still see the ray through a thin cloud layer. It widened to a pie-shaped wedge and was very bright. It now started slightly east of the central mountain, and the mountain s shadow was offset in the ray. The floor of the crater remained dark, except for the ray, during the whole observing session.

The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting

Site Longitude = +40.260
Site Latitude = +76.750
Site Elevation = +146.000

Feature = campanus
Feature Longitude: = -27.800
Feature  Latitude: = -28.000

Reproducing Lighting For: 2003/1/13 at 02:56 U.T.

Desired Solar Altitude =  +2.856(Rising),  Azimuth = +89.721
Average Co-longitude =  31.035

Crater Description:

Crater size: Dimension: 48x48Km / 29x29Mi, Height: 2080m / 6300ft, Height/Wide ratio: 0.0433 Description: This crater has some steep slopes, particularly to the north. It also has pretty high walls that are terraced. The flat floor is filled with lava and has a central mountain and a few craterlets. (Tony Donnangelo)(

crater map crater image

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