Curtius Lunar Ray Confirmation Report
I helped a friend wring out his new ITE DeepSky Pro video camera on the night of 2003/2/9 UT. The location was north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The relative humidity was a miserable 65% and the temperature was -14 degrees Celsius or less. All told I spent about 5 hours outside imaging the moon, Jupiter, and numerous deep-sky objects using the camera and a 12" Meade LX200 SCT working at f/6.3.
Shortly before closing down for the night at approximately 4:00 UT I observed the Curtius Lunar Sunrise Ray using a 12.5mm orthoscopic eyepiece (154x). By then the moon was quite close to the western horizon and the seeing was terrible. However, I believe that I did see the Curtius Ray. Earlier I also viewed the Barrow and Meton Rays.Dave Mitsky Harrisburg, PA