Initial Reports

Observer: Tony Donnangelo
Date/time of observation: 2003/02/10 00:05 U.T.
Site location: Hummelstown RD 3, PA, USA (40.26° N., 76.75° W.) 
Site elevation: 479 feet (146 meters)
Site classification: Suburban
Instrument: Takahashi FS-102
Magnification: 91x(9mm NaglerT6),158x(Pentax 5.2mm XL),
               234x(3.5mm Vixen SW), 
Moon's age: 8d 13:15,  55% illuminated 
Object: Goldschmidt (walled plain)
Size: 120Km.x120Km.
Lunar ray coordinates: 02.0°E., 74.75°N. 
Rukl chart #: 4
I observed this ray as a narrow shaft of light ~55Km. long. The ray had a dark shadow completely cutting across it, making two segments approximately the same length. I believe this was caused by a craterlet inside Goldschmidt near the northern rim.
Conditions were cloudy during the whole night. However, I observed it periodically over the next 1 1/2 hours. It remained the same over this period. It became too overcast and I called it a night. It may be possible to observe this ray at an earlier time, and it probably could've been seen, after I made my last observation.

The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting

Site Longitude = +76.750
Site Latitude = +40.260

Feature Longitude: =  -2.900
Feature  Latitude: = +73.000

Reproducing Lighting For: 2003/2/10 at 00:05 U.T.

Desired Solar Altitude =  +0.495(Rising),  Azimuth = +96.767
Average Co-longitude =   4.593

Crater Description:

Description (from Virtual Moon Atlas): Wrecked formation. Little steep slopes crushed to the West by Anaxagoras and supporting Barrow and Barrow G to the South-East. Little high walls. Very large flat floor with Goldschmidt A to the South-West. Hills and craterlets.

crater map crater image

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