From: "David Ryle" Subject: Kies Sunrise Lunar Ray 2/11/2003 1-4UT Julian Day 2,452,681.67 Wichita Falls, TX 33.824,-98.544 seeing 4 of 5, transparency 4 of 5, 45°F, wind 13 MPH NNE, humidity 49%. Rukl 53 22.5°W, 26°S 9:15 PM CST (3;15UT) magnification x174 and x260 in a 203mm Newtonian reflector.
The western rim has a broken segment allowing a fairly wide ray of light to fall west where it narrows abruptly short of fading into the terminator. From the rim to the distal end, the ray was three-quarters as long as the crater floor was wide. The ray is running along the -26th latitude just north of Dome Kies Pi which only became visible at 3:28UT. A dark spot , possibly a large mound, is positioned just east of the break in the western rim of Kies. This dark spot gives the impression of a shadow on the rim. By 3:35UT the spot is clearly unassociated with the break. By 3:57UT the ray had widened and spilled westward into a shallow and wide trench running south from Koenig crater to Mercator crater. This ridge is probably what caused the ray to narrow sharply earlier in the formation.
Site Longitude = +98.540 Site Latitude = +33.820 Feature = Kies Feature Longitude: = -22.500 Feature Latitude: = -26.000 Reproducing Lighting For: 2003/2/11 at 01:00 U.T. Desired Solar Altitude = +0.334(Rising), Azimuth = +91.507 Average Co-longitude = 22.872
See Dave's description above in observation report