Kies Sunrise Lunar Light Ray

Initial Reports

From: "David Ryle"
Subject: Kies Sunrise Lunar Ray
2/11/2003  1-4UT  Julian Day 2,452,681.67
Wichita Falls, TX  33.824,-98.544
seeing 4 of 5, transparency 4 of 5, 45°F, wind 13 MPH NNE, humidity 49%.
Rukl 53
22.5°W, 26°S
9:15 PM CST (3;15UT)
magnification x174 and x260 in a 203mm Newtonian reflector.
The western rim has a broken segment allowing a fairly wide ray of light to fall west where it narrows abruptly short of fading into the terminator. From the rim to the distal end, the ray was three-quarters as long as the crater floor was wide. The ray is running along the -26th latitude just north of Dome Kies Pi which only became visible at 3:28UT. A dark spot , possibly a large mound, is positioned just east of the break in the western rim of Kies. This dark spot gives the impression of a shadow on the rim. By 3:35UT the spot is clearly unassociated with the break. By 3:57UT the ray had widened and spilled westward into a shallow and wide trench running south from Koenig crater to Mercator crater. This ridge is probably what caused the ray to narrow sharply earlier in the formation.

The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting

Site Longitude = +98.540
Site Latitude = +33.820

Feature = Kies
Feature Longitude: = -22.500
Feature  Latitude: = -26.000

Reproducing Lighting For: 2003/2/11 at 01:00 U.T.

Desired Solar Altitude =  +0.334(Rising),  Azimuth = +91.507
Average Co-longitude =  22.872

Crater Description:

See Dave's description above in observation report

crater map crater image

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