[text slightly edited to remove references of report on the Barrow light ray - R Robinson]
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2004 15:32:20 -0700
The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting
Longitude and Latitude of the Griffith Observatory (Satellite): -118.28333W, +34.1464N, elev 137 meters
Crater Description:
Hello I'm Robert Spellman from Griffith Observatory. I have imaged a Lunar Crater Light Ray event in La Condamine (double). I think the one in La Condamine may be a new discovery. If you have any information regarding the later observation I would like to hear from you. You may use my images on your site if you would like. Thank You, Robert Spellmam - Telescope Operator Griffith Observatory
Images and information can be found at:
Times given for the photographs were from 2:14UT to 2:40UT on 09/24/04. For prediction purposes, the time is centered on 2:30UT
Site Longitude = +118.283
Site Latitude = +34.146
Site Elevation = +137.000
Reproducing Lighting For: 2004/9/24 at 02:30 U.T.
Desired Solar Altitude = +2.100(Rising), Azimuth = +91.441
Feature Longitude: = -28.200
Feature Latitude: = +53.400
Average Co-longitude = 31.723
Moon's Altitude Restricted = N
In the Time column, D=Daylight, T=Twilight
---- Moon's ---- -- Earth's --
Topocentric Topocentric -------- Sun's --------
UT Date Time Alt° Semi-Diam'' Long° Lat° Colong° Lat° Azim°
2004/09/24 02:30T +26.885 982.72 +2.008 +7.616 030.608 +0.827 +91.441
No description available.