I have imaged a Lunar Light Ray in the crater Saunder.The image was obtained on 11/19/04 @ 1:09 UT. using a Orion 5" refractor,PC-23 video camera and a Panasonic DVD recorder seeing was 4-5/10. I believe that this may be a new light ray discovery, if you have seen this ray or imaged it before let me know
Thank You, Robert Spellman - Griffith Observatory
See: http://www.geocities.com/xetor_2000/saunderay.html
The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting
Site Longitude = +118.283 Site Latitude = +34.146 Site Elevation = +137.000 Reproducing Lighting For: 2004/11/19 at 01:09 U.T. Desired Solar Altitude = +0.982(Rising), Azimuth = +90.607 Feature = SAUNDER Feature Longitude: = +8.800 Feature Latitude: = -4.200 Average Co-longitude = 352.184 Moon's Altitude Restricted = N In the Time column, D=Daylight, T=Twilight ---- Moon's ---- -- Earth's -- Topocentric Topocentric -------- Sun's -------- UT Date Time Alt° Semi-Diam'' Long° Lat° Colong° Lat° Azim° 2004/11/19 01:09T +36.883 975.08 +5.449 +7.021 352.135 -0.677 +90.607
Crater Description:
Saunder - +151,-074: A large but lowo ring to the west of Hipparchus, eith a deep crater, N, on the wouth-east wall, here broken. On the interior are ridges, hills and some craterlets. On the north is the crater A, with its walls broken on the south and the north. To the east of A is another crater, while on both the west and east are crater chains. To the south is a high mountain ridge, on the west of which is a crater chain. (Wilkins and Moore, The Moon, Faber & Faber, 1955)