Scheiner Lunar Light Ray

Initial Reports

06/10/2003 2-3UT & 4UT
Wichita Falls, Tx 33.824N 98.544W
Seeing fair 5of10, transparency low 3of10, 80deg.F, SW wind 15MPH
8"f/6 reflector at x260
Another surprise at Scheiner crater (lat 60.5S, Lon 27.8W) with a bright stripe falling off from the tier-stepped western wall at what seemed to be a well defined yet undetermined craterlet (approximately 61S, 30W). I am not so sure it was Scheiner C which seemed too far north. The "stripe" appeared to take on the attributes of a sunrise ray except it never changed as the central craterlet Scheiner A became partially lit. I assume it was the west-to-east crest ridge which runs from the southwest wall to the center of the crater that was illuminated. What is curious to me is the craterlet outlined at the top of the west rim. If it was indeed Scheiner C then the "stripe" could be a sunrise ray. If not then there is a craterlet that is not very apparent on any good chart I have. See Rukl 72.
Another look later confirmed the "ray" was under (east of) Scheiner C. This put the ray a bit further north than my first calculations (60S, 30W). The southern border of the ray was actually a shadow from the western wall of the craterlet Scheiner A stretching across the floor to the western wall. The west-east ridge was very apparent by 4UT thus dispelling the idea of the stripe being the ridge.
A webcam shot was taken well after the ray had widened (4:30UT).
-David Ryle

The Initial Predictions, Using Data in Original Reporting

David's observations were recorded on 6/10/03 at around 4:00 UT. The light ray was seen centered on 60s 30W. Using Harry Jamiesons Lunar Observer's Toolkit, the following initial ephemeris was generated:

Site Longitude = +98.544
Site Latitude = +33.824

Feature = Scheiner
Feature Longitude: = -30.000
Feature  Latitude: = -60.000

Reproducing Lighting For: 2003/6/10 at 04:00 U.T.

Desired Solar Altitude =  +1.911(Rising),  Azimuth = +85.638
Average Co-longitude =  33.824
In the Time column, D=Daylight, T=Twilight

                      ---- Moon's ----    -- Earth's --
                        Topocentric        Topocentric      -------- Sun's --------
   UT Date    Time     Alt°   Semi-Diam''  Long°   Lat°     Colong°     Lat°    Azim°

 2003/06/10  04:00   +47.159    995.10    -4.187  -3.656    034.733   +0.523  +85.638

Crater Description:

Scheiner, -230,-870: A great crater, 70 miles in diameter, with walls magnificently terraced on the inner slopes and of great height. Some of the wall peaks attain 18,000 feet above the depressed floor. There are craters on the inner south and east slopes. To the west of the crater, on the south slope, is a smaller crater, and east of it a partial ring, from which a narrow edge runs across the floor. This was described by Webb as a partition. On the interior are a nearly center crater, five craters to the north of it, another at the foot of the inner north slope, several rills and a craterlet. To the southwest is an old ring, the site of its former wall being now marked by hills. (Wilkins and Moore, The Moon, 1055, Faber and Faber Ltd, London)

crater map crater image

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